Trading & Full-time Work
This week we are going to cover whether it is possible to trade alongside a full-time job or full-time studies. The aim of this blog isn’t to crush your hopes and dreams of trading part-time to make a side income or to tell you how it is impossible to do this thing alongside other commitments, […]
The Traders Biggest Mistake
This one blog post could save you hours, days and maybe even months of unproductive work. There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart, I have definitely been guilty of this in the past. I have spent weeks investigating a new strategy or collecting data only for it to provide absolutely no […]
Pro Athlete Trading Tips
This week we thought it would be a great opportunity to look at how trading relates to professional sports. There are many more similarities than you would expect and one of the biggest aspects to this industry is the lifestyle it can bring; people see the high-flying traders who have the means to drive […]
Failure of a Retail Pattern
This week we are taking a look at how we capitalise on the failure of some typical retail trading patterns. This is not to say that these never work we play the failure every time, but knowing how to read the signs that the failure of the pattern is high probability allows us to capitalise […]
The Importance of Gathering Stats
Welcome to another blog post, this week we will be diving into the world of stats. If this is something that you don’t like, or don’t have an interest in, then I’m afraid you are going to struggle more than is necessary in your trading career. It can be a dull task gathering 4,5 or […]
Trading Sessions
Trading Sessions Let’s take a look at some of the points we will be covering in this week’s blog: Understanding the different trading sessions When does volume increase? Are commodities and indices affected in the same way as forex pairs? We can split the 24-hour foreign exchange market into three trading sessions; Asia session London […]
Trading FAQ’s
Trading FAQ’s This week we will take a look into some questions that you may not be able to find elsewhere easily. More often than not these are questions that people presume you know, sometimes the simplest questions are the most difficult to find the answers to. I will provide a short list of the […]
Market Correlations
This week we are focussing on market correlations, this is another aspect of trading that is crucial to understand but few properly do. We will cover areas such as: What is correlation? How do I find the correlation between two assets? Should this impact the layout of my charts? How do I use correlations in […]
Order Types & Spread
Welcome back to another week, this week I am going to dive into the nitty gritty aspects of trading that people neglect but I believe could be having a huge negative impact on their trading for not knowing it. This week we will be focussing on the different types of orders that can be placed […]
KB Trader Interview – Tim
The second part to this series of interviews with the junior prop traders on the trading floor here in Glasgow is here! This week I had the pleasure of catching up with Tim, an ambitious 22-year-old and the newest of the proprietary traders on the trading floor. Tim’s progression in the past two months has […]